
スポーツサイエンティスト,衣笠泰介が日々感じること,感動した言葉,音色,風景などを思いのまま綴る. Think globally, act locally

05 Mar Fri

  • 07:36  スポーツ立国戦略の話また持ち上がったようですね.スポーツ庁はぜひ作ってもらいたい http://ow.ly/1eoPT
  • 14:13  I'm at Republic Polytechnic (9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore). http://4sq.com/8pbHLW
  • 21:56  04 Mar Thu: 21:53??is working on a paper for publication before going back to japan Powered by twtr2src http://bit.ly/byZU1w
  • 22:13  need to go to the airport by 6.30am in the morning, but I still have not packed and washed my clothes.

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